Nested elements in custom NAnt tasks

There’s a great postĀ hereĀ detailing how to add nested elements within a custom NAnt task. I was writing a task to create IIS websites, and wanted to be able to specify multiple bindings, for example: <IIS.Website.Create name=”MySite” physicalPath=”path”> <bindings> <binding type=”http” ip=”″ port=”8080″ host=”” /> <binding type=”net.msmq” host=”localhost” /> </bindings> </IIS.Website.Create>…

ANTLR and C#

I’ve just spent the day getting ANTLR set up to work within a Visual Studio 2010 solution, which wasn’t without pain. While there is quite a lot of (mostly useful) documentation, finding exactly what you want can be difficult, and the examples don’t necessarily work, which is always frustrating! Hopefully…

Fluent null checking

When you want to access nested properties on an object, e.g. Person.Address.Postcode, it’s annoying and bloated having to write this as a series of variable assignments and null checks at each stage if the properties are nullable. The set of extensions below allows the following example: public string GetSomething(A myClass)…

Extension to calculate age

using System; namespace Extensions { public static class DateTimeExtensions { public static int Age(this DateTime birthDate) { return Age(birthDate, DateTime.Today); } public static int Age(this DateTime birthDateTime, DateTime atDateTime) { var birthDate = birthDateTime.Date; var atDate = atDateTime.Date; var age = atDate.Year – birthDate.Year; if (birthDate.AddYears(age) > atDate) { age–;…

Using ELMAH with MVC 3

Whereas ELMAH used to work pretty much straight out of the box, with MVC 3, a change to the global.asax.cs template means that ELMAH won’t automatically catch all errors, since MVC 3 has some built in error handling when custom errors are enabled. To remove this and let ELMAH catch…